23 Mayıs 2008 Cuma


1. What is a "problem"?

A problem is a difficulty for achieving a goal, purpose or mission, or it is something that is supposed to be dealt with or solved. Therefore every problem also asks for a solution or answer, which has not to be same. Hence the solution or the answer of the problem could be various. In a different aspect a problem is a difference between actual conditions and required or desired conditions. Often, the causes of a problem are not known in which case to identify and analyse the problem is very important to find a solution.

2. What do "method" and "methodology" mean?

Method is a way of doing something especially according to a plan and methodology is a set or system of methods, principles, and rules for regulating a given discipline, as in the arts or sciences. It can be said that methodology is a general concept that includes different method sets. For example, there is method to do something, and actually different methods also exist. The whole methods to do that thing constitute methodology of it.

3.What do "theory", "hypothesis" and "paradigm" mean?

Hypothesis is a guess or a prediction for a solution of a problem or for a subject. Hypothesis is based some experiments and observations. Hypothesis grows up to theory if the results of experiments support the hypothesis and the authorities of the subject confirm it. If the theory is accepted internationally and it has no contradictions, the it becomes a rule or a fact. The last step is paradigm. If the theory becomes a unique and unexampled model for future studies, it becomes a paradigm.

4. What are "strategy", "plan" and "control"?

Plan is a draft that is applied to achieve a goal. It consists some actions and when, how, where the actions take place. Strategy is a long term and detailed plan and it has some variable points. Strategy is adaptable to different situations rather than rigid set of actions like in plans.
Control is a concept that clarifies the errors and helps to correct them in the in the process of applying plan. I think that plan and control are parts of the strategy, such that control make plan adaptable and correct the errors of it.

5. What are "model", "snowball effect" and "waterfall diagram"?

Model is a theoretical structure to simplify complex processes by observing the relation between variables or processes by using scientific techniques maybe.
Snowball effect is the effect of something that starts little importance and grows up to a huge thing gaining more importance. It is inspired from a rolling snowball down at a snowy hillside. It is a model.
Waterfall diagram is a model that describes the development stages and processes of some subject. The stages are sequential and linear. It is like waterfall that flows down from a mountain and goes in his way, and never turns back. In a waterfall diagram stages has own goal and death line, when a step is completed development proceeds to the next step.


6. What do "validation/validity", significance" , "reliability" and "relevance/relevant" mean?

Validation is a term that questions if something satisfies a proper condition. The conditions could be to be legal, true, etc.
Significance means to be important and noticeable. It also means having a special meaning.
Reliability means to be trusted, dependable or believed.
Relevance is the degree to which something is related and connected.
I think that these could be some
characteristics of a production. Validation, significance, reliability and relevance to needs are the main characteristics of an ideal product.

7. What are "event", "process" and life "cycle"?

Event has different meanings, but commonly it means a happening, act at a point in time. An event can be sport event, a marriage.
Process is a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result. The actions can be occurred itself or designed by someone. For example, in a production process there are lots of stages and processes.
Life cycle is
the series of changes that an individual, product or business goes through from the beginning to end of the life.
I think that simply life cycle cover processes and processes cover events.


What does "iterative" and "sequential" mean?

Iterative means repetitive. It is like something that repeats itself in a cycle, like a loop.
Sequential means following in a fixed order.It is like something that follows a particular order, like a line.

9. Data collection: I researched further the concept "beautiful vs kitch" that is explained by the teacher on the Internet and I collected main points of the concept.
Awareness: After the data collection step I was aware of what should I look for.
Observation: In the campus I observed possible subjects, while I was going to lessons and walking around.
Abstraction ( reducing the irrelevant information from generalization in order to get necessary and relevant information) : I choose the most relevant subjects to take picture.

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