30 Mart 2008 Pazar

Abraham Maslow

(1908-1970) Abraham Maslow, a psychologist, was the founder of the Hierarchy of Needs Theory, which is still valid today for analyzing human motivation, management training, and personal development. This theory suggested that there are five basic needs, which are:

1-Physiological-air, food, sleep, etc.
2-Safety-security, order, law, etc.
3-Social-family, relationship, love,etc.
4-Esteem-achievement, mastery, independence, etc.
5-Self actualization-peak experiences, realising personal potential, etc.

These are arranged the order of importance. When a basic need is satisfied, it replaced by the next level. However, this theory is not certainly true, because in some societies importance of levels may be change and not all people are driven by the same needs, but it is quite well-known and valid for majority of the people in the world. Furthermore, this theory can be applied in management. In management elements of levels changes in the following way:

-Physiological needs: provide lunch breaks, rest breaks, money to purchase the essential needs of life, etc.
-Safety needs: provide a safe working place, retirement benefit, health insurance, etc.
-Esteem needs: make employees feel appreciated and valued, etc.
-Self- actualization needs: provide employees a challenge and the opportunity to reach their full career potential

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