30 Mart 2008 Pazar

Max Weber

(1864-1820) Max Weber was a German sociologist, political economist and one of the founders f modern sociology.Max Weber had many researches about many topics, but especially his researches in the bureaucratic approach to organization makes him important for management evolution. As a reaction to managerial abuses of power, he proposed the development of ideal bureaucracy, which was created to eliminate innefficiency and waste in organizations. Weber designed some priciples of bureaucratic organization, which are: 1. A division of labor by well-designed specialization.

2. A hierarchy of authority.

3. A system of rules providing the rights and duties of employees.

4. A system of procedures for dealing with work situations.

5. Formal relations between people.

6. Promotion and selection based on technical competence.

Although this approach provides some advantages, it also has disadvantages. For example, employee behaviour is consistent becouse of rules, policies, but if a problem exists which is not written in the rules or policies, employees are afraid to make decisions to solve the problem, so that creativity, development and initiate are decraesed. Briefly bureaucratic organization provides rational and impersonal organization arrangements, but it has important negative side effects.

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