30 Mart 2008 Pazar

Origins of Engineering and Engineering Education

The history of engineering begins in ancient times as humans designed fundamental devices like pulley, lewer and wheel. The term engineering has e recent etymology deriving fro the word "engine" as one who operates engine. Engineering was firstly used in military and engineers were employed by government to supply technical devices such as catapults. The word "engine" comes from even older origin, deriving from "ingenium", latin word, which means "innate quality, especially mental power, hence a clever invention". Then, civil engineering appeared to provide people buildings. As the technology developed, new engineering branches appeared for example in Industrial Revolution steam engineers and machinery engineers appeared.
The education part of engineering developed parallelly to the development of engineering. As to fulfill peoples needs engineers were needed, so the education of engineering begun and it firstly begun in military to train the officers. However, the first schools of engineering was established in France, in 18Th century. Afterwards in 19Th century the first engineering curriculum was developed in Europe and America, which are almost same.

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