23 Mayıs 2008 Cuma


1. What is a "problem"?

A problem is a difficulty for achieving a goal, purpose or mission, or it is something that is supposed to be dealt with or solved. Therefore every problem also asks for a solution or answer, which has not to be same. Hence the solution or the answer of the problem could be various. In a different aspect a problem is a difference between actual conditions and required or desired conditions. Often, the causes of a problem are not known in which case to identify and analyse the problem is very important to find a solution.

2. What do "method" and "methodology" mean?

Method is a way of doing something especially according to a plan and methodology is a set or system of methods, principles, and rules for regulating a given discipline, as in the arts or sciences. It can be said that methodology is a general concept that includes different method sets. For example, there is method to do something, and actually different methods also exist. The whole methods to do that thing constitute methodology of it.

3.What do "theory", "hypothesis" and "paradigm" mean?

Hypothesis is a guess or a prediction for a solution of a problem or for a subject. Hypothesis is based some experiments and observations. Hypothesis grows up to theory if the results of experiments support the hypothesis and the authorities of the subject confirm it. If the theory is accepted internationally and it has no contradictions, the it becomes a rule or a fact. The last step is paradigm. If the theory becomes a unique and unexampled model for future studies, it becomes a paradigm.

4. What are "strategy", "plan" and "control"?

Plan is a draft that is applied to achieve a goal. It consists some actions and when, how, where the actions take place. Strategy is a long term and detailed plan and it has some variable points. Strategy is adaptable to different situations rather than rigid set of actions like in plans.
Control is a concept that clarifies the errors and helps to correct them in the in the process of applying plan. I think that plan and control are parts of the strategy, such that control make plan adaptable and correct the errors of it.

5. What are "model", "snowball effect" and "waterfall diagram"?

Model is a theoretical structure to simplify complex processes by observing the relation between variables or processes by using scientific techniques maybe.
Snowball effect is the effect of something that starts little importance and grows up to a huge thing gaining more importance. It is inspired from a rolling snowball down at a snowy hillside. It is a model.
Waterfall diagram is a model that describes the development stages and processes of some subject. The stages are sequential and linear. It is like waterfall that flows down from a mountain and goes in his way, and never turns back. In a waterfall diagram stages has own goal and death line, when a step is completed development proceeds to the next step.


6. What do "validation/validity", significance" , "reliability" and "relevance/relevant" mean?

Validation is a term that questions if something satisfies a proper condition. The conditions could be to be legal, true, etc.
Significance means to be important and noticeable. It also means having a special meaning.
Reliability means to be trusted, dependable or believed.
Relevance is the degree to which something is related and connected.
I think that these could be some
characteristics of a production. Validation, significance, reliability and relevance to needs are the main characteristics of an ideal product.

7. What are "event", "process" and life "cycle"?

Event has different meanings, but commonly it means a happening, act at a point in time. An event can be sport event, a marriage.
Process is a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result. The actions can be occurred itself or designed by someone. For example, in a production process there are lots of stages and processes.
Life cycle is
the series of changes that an individual, product or business goes through from the beginning to end of the life.
I think that simply life cycle cover processes and processes cover events.


What does "iterative" and "sequential" mean?

Iterative means repetitive. It is like something that repeats itself in a cycle, like a loop.
Sequential means following in a fixed order.It is like something that follows a particular order, like a line.

9. Data collection: I researched further the concept "beautiful vs kitch" that is explained by the teacher on the Internet and I collected main points of the concept.
Awareness: After the data collection step I was aware of what should I look for.
Observation: In the campus I observed possible subjects, while I was going to lessons and walking around.
Abstraction ( reducing the irrelevant information from generalization in order to get necessary and relevant information) : I choose the most relevant subjects to take picture.

28 Nisan 2008 Pazartesi

31 Mart 2008 Pazartesi

Types of engineers and industrial engineer's role

-Civil Engineers deals with the design and construction of roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, and water supply and sewage systems.
-Chemical Engineers apply the principles of chemistry to solve problems involving the production or use of chemicals and biochemicals.
-Electrical Engineers deals with designing, developing, and testing the manufacture of electrical equipment.
-Mechanical Engineers research, design, develop, manufacture, and test tools, engines, machines, and other mechanical devices
-Aerospace engineers deal with all of the aspects of aircraft, spacecraft, and missiles
-Agricultural Engineering apply knowledge of engineering technology and science to agriculture and the efficient use of biological resources.
-Biomedical Engineers develop devices and procedures that solve medical and health-related problems by combining their knowledge of biology and medicine with engineering principles and practices.
-Computer Engineers deals with the, designing, developing, and testing computer software and hardware.
-Electronics Engineers except computer are responsible for a wide range of technologies, from portable music players to the global positioning system.
-Environmental Engineers develop solutions to environmental problems
-Materials Engineers are involved in the development, processing, and testing of the materials used to create a range of products, from computer chips and aircraft wings to golf clubs and snow skis.
-Mining and Geological Engineers find, extract, and prepare coal, metals, and minerals for use by manufacturing industries and utilities.
-Nuclear Engineers research and develop the processes, instruments, and systems used to derive benefits from nuclear energy and radiation.
-Petroleum Engineers search the world for reservoirs containing oil or natural gas.

-Industrial Engineers determine the most effective ways to use people, machines, materials, information, and energy to make a product or provide a service, and the most notable difference of industrial engineering from the others is that industrial engineers mostly deal with humans instead of technical devices. They also have learnt all of the basic engineering courses partly and they combine the disciplines of basic engineering with the social and management acknowledge in order to use them in approaching problems as a whole part.

30 Mart 2008 Pazar

Engineering as a profession and what engineers do

Engineering is a profession in which the natural sciences and mathematics learnt before is used for the profit of humanity. It is one of the basic professions like profession of a doctor, teacher, etc. This profession is necessary for humanity because when people's needs change and some problems occur engineers step in and they try to provide new devices and they try to solve the problems with their acknowledge. Engineers invents useful tools and objects, they design a new system or develop an old system and they try to use supplies efficiently for savings. Engineers are needed in every place in our life and they will needed in the future. The name of engineers might be change, but the need for them cannot be change.

Origins of Engineering and Engineering Education

The history of engineering begins in ancient times as humans designed fundamental devices like pulley, lewer and wheel. The term engineering has e recent etymology deriving fro the word "engine" as one who operates engine. Engineering was firstly used in military and engineers were employed by government to supply technical devices such as catapults. The word "engine" comes from even older origin, deriving from "ingenium", latin word, which means "innate quality, especially mental power, hence a clever invention". Then, civil engineering appeared to provide people buildings. As the technology developed, new engineering branches appeared for example in Industrial Revolution steam engineers and machinery engineers appeared.
The education part of engineering developed parallelly to the development of engineering. As to fulfill peoples needs engineers were needed, so the education of engineering begun and it firstly begun in military to train the officers. However, the first schools of engineering was established in France, in 18Th century. Afterwards in 19Th century the first engineering curriculum was developed in Europe and America, which are almost same.

My Preference

If I had a chance to be one of these persons , I would prefer to be Henry Ford, because I totally admire Ford and his life. It is interesting that he attempted three times to establish company and some of them bankrupt, but he accomplished the last time, so he become a milestone in industry history. His Ford motor company was a pioneer in using assembly line, division of labor and mass production, although it was not the first time they were used. These are the evidences of that he was a great inventor and developer. I approve the other point in his life that Ford had great respect to his workers' right and he provided well circumstances to make his workers happy. I think that if I were Ford, I couldn't do anything much better than Ford.

Abraham Maslow

(1908-1970) Abraham Maslow, a psychologist, was the founder of the Hierarchy of Needs Theory, which is still valid today for analyzing human motivation, management training, and personal development. This theory suggested that there are five basic needs, which are:

1-Physiological-air, food, sleep, etc.
2-Safety-security, order, law, etc.
3-Social-family, relationship, love,etc.
4-Esteem-achievement, mastery, independence, etc.
5-Self actualization-peak experiences, realising personal potential, etc.

These are arranged the order of importance. When a basic need is satisfied, it replaced by the next level. However, this theory is not certainly true, because in some societies importance of levels may be change and not all people are driven by the same needs, but it is quite well-known and valid for majority of the people in the world. Furthermore, this theory can be applied in management. In management elements of levels changes in the following way:

-Physiological needs: provide lunch breaks, rest breaks, money to purchase the essential needs of life, etc.
-Safety needs: provide a safe working place, retirement benefit, health insurance, etc.
-Esteem needs: make employees feel appreciated and valued, etc.
-Self- actualization needs: provide employees a challenge and the opportunity to reach their full career potential

Max Weber

(1864-1820) Max Weber was a German sociologist, political economist and one of the founders f modern sociology.Max Weber had many researches about many topics, but especially his researches in the bureaucratic approach to organization makes him important for management evolution. As a reaction to managerial abuses of power, he proposed the development of ideal bureaucracy, which was created to eliminate innefficiency and waste in organizations. Weber designed some priciples of bureaucratic organization, which are: 1. A division of labor by well-designed specialization.

2. A hierarchy of authority.

3. A system of rules providing the rights and duties of employees.

4. A system of procedures for dealing with work situations.

5. Formal relations between people.

6. Promotion and selection based on technical competence.

Although this approach provides some advantages, it also has disadvantages. For example, employee behaviour is consistent becouse of rules, policies, but if a problem exists which is not written in the rules or policies, employees are afraid to make decisions to solve the problem, so that creativity, development and initiate are decraesed. Briefly bureaucratic organization provides rational and impersonal organization arrangements, but it has important negative side effects.

29 Mart 2008 Cumartesi

Henri Fayol

(1841-1925) Henri Fayol was a management theorist whose contributions to the management and organization of labor were widely influential in modern concepts of management. According to Fayol, prevoyance, to organize, to command, to coordinate and to control are five main elements of management. In his monograph, General and Industrial Management, 1916, general management and statement of management principles pointed out with his theory the first time. Moreover he suggested that only one supervisor for each person should be exist in order to provide the unity of command. He also believed management to be a universal human activity which is also suitable to use in a family just like in a corporation. Fayol is associated with Taylor as they both dealt with scientific management, however, Fayol's perspective differs from Taylor as Taylor views management process "bottom up" instead of "top down", according to Claude George(1968). The 14 management principles from Henri Fayol, which are edited and revised in order to alleviate language difficulties by Irwin Gray in 1987 are that:
  1. Specialization of labour. It allows improvement in skills and the development of improvements in methods.
  2. Authority. The right to give orders and the provide obedience.
  3. Discipline. No slacking, bending of rules.
  4. Unity of command. Each employee has one and only one boss.
  5. Unity of direction. A single mind generates a single plan and all play their part in that plan.
  6. Subordination of Individual Interests. When at work, only work things should be pursued or thought about.
  7. Remuneration. Employees receive fair payment for services, not what the company can get away with.
  8. Centralization. Consolidation of management functions. Decisions are made from the top.
  9. Chain of Superiors (line of authority). Formal chain of command running from top to bottom of the organization, like military
  10. Order. All materials and personnel have a prescribed place, and they must remain there.
  11. Equity. Equality of treatment (but not necessarily identical treatment)
  12. Personnel Tenure. Limited turnover of personnel. Lifetime employment for good workers.
  13. Initiative. Thinking out a plan and do what it takes to make it happen.
  14. Esprit de corps. Harmony, cohesion among personnel.


F. Gilbreth, who lived at the same time with F. W. Taylor, continued his researches on constructions. He had contributions to the Taylor's time and motion studyby rationalization of brick laying. Among his suggestions, he focused on eliminating unnecesarry work and motion and made researches on this subject. Throughout his study in brick laying he reduced the motions from 18 to 4-5, so he made it possible for a bricklayer to lay more bricks in the same time than before.
L. M. Gilbreth was the wife of F. Gilbreth. She was a psychologist and she helped her husband in his studies. Thy were first to use the technique of filming the workers during their work and watching the film again to develop time and motion study. They were important persons as they developed Taylor's ideas.

Henry Ford

(1863-1947) Henry Ford was a son of a farmer, but his interest in machine made him go to Detroit to earn enough money to establish his own factory. He was an inventor and an entrepreneur, such that he invented lots of car parts and he attempted three times to establish a car company. In 1903 with 11 investors the Ford Motor Company was incorporated with Henry Ford as vice-president and chief engineer. His main study area was division of labor, assembly line and mass production. He developed assembly line used before and cooperated division of labor and succeeded mass production during manufacturing Ford Model T. He was influenced by Taylor to develop the system of production. He created some principles, which are interchangeable parts, division of labor, continuous flow and reducing wasted effort. These principals made him a milestone in industrial history.

Division of Labor

Division of labor is seperation of work to the workers who have different skills. This method founded by Taylor and used by many factories to save money and time. After beginning to use assembly line this method was very useful to succeed mass production. Henry Ford applicated this method and he was very succesful. Some advantages of division of labor:
  1. More efficient in terms of time.
  2. Reduces the time needed for training because the task is simplified.
  3. Increases productivity because training time is reduced and the worker is productive in a short amount of time.
  4. Concentration on one repetitive task makes workers more skilled at performing that task.

Scientific Management

When Taylor was working in metal factory, he noticed some wrong cases, which are:
a- inefficiency
c-work procedures and rules are lack of standards
d-in employment there is no standard for proficiency, capacity and talent
e-there is no standard for work time
Taylor researches are generally according to these situations. He found some solutions to these problems in a rational way to increase efficiency. His foundings are named scientific management or Taylorism. After years of various experiments, Taylor proposed four principles of scientific management:
  1. Replace old work methods with methods based on a scientific study.

  2. Scientifically select, train, and develop each worker rather than passively leaving them to train themselves.

  3. Cooperate with the workers to ensure that the scientifically developed methods are being followed.

  4. Divide work nearly equally between managers and workers, so that the managers apply scientific management principles to planning the work and the workers actually perform the tasks.

These principles were used in many factories, as a result they increased productivity by a factor of three or more.





18 Mart 2008 Salı

Frederick Winslow Taylor

(1856-1915), F. W. Taylor, an American mechanical engineer, had new ideas, theories and researches about industrial efficiency and scientific managment. He was a son of wealthy family, and he wanted to go to Harward University, but because his poor sight he could not go there. In 1874 he become apprentice patternmaker, afterwards he was able to become a mechanical engineer. In 1878 he become working at Midvale Steel Works and in 1894 he rose to be chief engineer there. Later, at Bethlehem Steel he continued his career.
Taylor believed that industrial management was lack of order and it could be regulated if there is the partnership between a trained and qualified management and a cooperative and innovative workforce. He also developed machines and processes that would help speed up work. Eventually, he had new era begun with his new theories like scientific management and division of labor, and he played an important role in creating and developing industrial engineering.
